Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Should I use (dog) shampoo AND conditioner on my dog? Or just shampoo?

I have SPA line dog shampoo and conditioner products for my shih tzu. It's the soothing oatmeal kind and is SUPPOSED to help with her dry skin.

I am not reading that conditioner isn't really necessary for dogs is this true?

I also just bought (waiting for it to come in the mail) the rapid bath bathing system, and I notice they don't even SELL conditioner for the system, only shampoo... so... should I only be using shampoo?????Should I use (dog) shampoo AND conditioner on my dog? Or just shampoo?
I use both.

I don't know they they need it, but it makes my dog really soft.

Maybe alternate every other bath with conditioner?

Or just put conditoner on the parts that easily tangle? Like her tail..Should I use (dog) shampoo AND conditioner on my dog? Or just shampoo?
For Shih Tzus, they have long hair and the hair tends to matt easily. The conditioner will help keep the hair soft and not as easy to matt. I highly recommend using conditioner after shampooing.
I use a conditioner on mine. She probably doesn't need it although it can help them with dry skin. Make her fur soooooo soft though!
its preference really. It helps the coats just like it works in our hair.

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