no there's no truth in it. actually it depends on what suits you.i have been using a 2 in 1 shampoo for so many years and i have always recieved compliments for my hair.i dont have any hair loss problems i think it's safe.Is 2 in 1 (Shampoo + Conditioner) bad for your hair?
It is if you use it frequently. I suggest using a Pantene shampoo and condition, not 2 in 1
Never buy 2 in 1 shampoo unless you have extremely dry hair. You can't control the amount of conditioner in your hair. They put too much conditioner in the bottle. Don't get it!
No I have never heard that about any 2 in 1 product. What I can tell you is most of those shampoos are very harsh. I would not recommend them to anyone especially if your hair is on the long side.They can leave your hair dull and heavy. Take the time and pick a shampoo %26amp; condition especially for your hair.
Most brands to increase your hair loss.
Not to meantion dry up your hair.
It's alot better if they're sepreate.
Not all 2 in1's are the same. I have used Pert Plus, and found it very drying, especially with every-day usage. However, if you tend to have an oily scalp, maybe that's a good thing!
I have also used Pantene 2 in 1 for years, and generally use it every other day with no complaints. However, I have shoulder-length hair that I get trimmed regularly. I think it does tend to make your hair a little more susceptible to breakage, but not necessarily to loss, per se. I counteract this with the application of a light leave-in conditioner - even No-More-Tangles works - and I don't notice my hair being any more brittle, dry, or split on the ends than with the use of anything else.
If you have short hair that you get trimmed regularly, anyway, the brittleness probably wouldn't even impact you since you would get your hair cut before it got long enough to really break or develop split ends.
But, if you are trying to grow your hair out, or have long hair that needs more gentle treatment to maintain its health, you probably want to go with some kind of separate shampoo and conditioner that is formulated specifically for what you are trying to achieve.
Hope this helps.
Shampoos and conditioners in general can have ill effects on your hair if the wrong kind is used. But if you pick a good one, you should be fine. it's just a time saver and just as good.
It really isnt good for your hair
My sis is a pro cosmotalligyst
Use Vo5 shampoo it helps your hair get nutrients and it doesn't cause hair loss!!!!!!=0
You know I never thought about this! I have really thick hair so 2-in-1 leaves mine really dry and poofy, but when I used to use it I did notice my hair seemed to fall out more, so maybe thats true.
dunno bout the pert plus but shampoo conditioner is great stuff in my opinion..i use it a lot
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