Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Best Shampoo and Conditioner for Damaged/Dry Hair?

At the moment i use pantene products on my hair i use the Pantene shampoo and condition for damaged hair

But ive read some other questions and people have been saying pantene is bad

So what is the best Shampoo and conditioner for dry/damaged hair i use alot of heat on my hair so i need one to protect damaged hair?

Which brand is the best

And brands i can find in suprmarkets like herbal essences, Garnier.........Best Shampoo and Conditioner for Damaged/Dry Hair?
Try Using Alberto VO 5 Hairdressing, Watch These Videos.


http://www.expotv.com/videos/reviews/3/4…Best Shampoo and Conditioner for Damaged/Dry Hair?
Trust me girl, you're not going to find a decent damage shampoo and conditioner in a supermarket unless it's the professional stuff (for example) CHI, Redken, Paul Mitchell, Joico, Biolage, Matrix, and the list goes on and on. But even then, these brands are not really supposed to be sold in supermarkets or pharmacies, as they are considered counterfeit/old/expired products if not sold in a professional salon/beauty supply store. Anywho, if you come across a Trade Secret, or a salon that carries Joico products, I highly reccomend Joico's K-pak shampoo and conditioner for dry/damaged hair. Also, for heat protectant, try Joico's silk result heat smoother, or the Joico K-pak protect %26amp; shine serum. All very good stuff. And for that once a week treatment, go with the K-pak deep penetrating reconstructor for 5 mins, rinse, and finish with the K-pak intense hydrator (leave in for 3-5, then rinse). This of course, can all get a little pricey, but if you pick up just the shampoo and conditioner to start off with, you'll be golden. Trust me, this is coming from a double-processed blonde, who flat irons every day. Good luck!
Yes Pantene is bad for your hair. It is full of waxes that while they make your hair appear shiny and healthy (if your lucky) they dont actually heal anything. Pretty much any supermarket brand isnt very good. I know salon prices can be a bit much to swallow , but its much more concentrated product and if used correctly (Your stylist should be able to show you correct amounts to use) doesnt end up costing much more in the long run than the supermarket brands and you will find your hair is much better off for it. The Paul Mitchell line tends to be the less costly of most and they have some great shampoos and conditioners.. but for Someone who uses alot of heat I'd recommend The Smooth Down line by Redken , esp the heat glide styler to protect your hair. Probably not the answer you wanted to hear , but Hope it helps.
TED GIBSON conditioner, it works so great I was amazed.

(I found it at supertarget)

Use Head N Shoulders basic cleaning shampoo.

Its moisturizing and makes hair soft and literally more healthy.

Another good conditioner is the root awakening john frieda stuff, it works pretty good.

Garnier is okay.

Pantene....eh, I wouldnt recommend.

So if you can find Teb Gibson, id get it.

Its kinda expensive... but well worth it.

Good luck:)
The best shampoos and conditioners to use are the ones without the harmful sulfates and fake latter. Try these brands: Aubrey Organics, Diva Smooth, and Simply Organic, and Nirvana Natural.




You could use CHI, Paul Mitchell, RedKen, etc. But these are the expensive products.. Cheaper products that work include Dove, Head %26amp; Shoulders, Garnier Fructis, Herbal Essences, and Suave. I personally like Head %26amp; Shoulders. And dove is the B-O-M-B!
i personally use pantene only. i just loved it. it is not damaging my hair. it is more shinier now. it makes my hair soft and guess what, my hair also doesn't fall off. Not understanding why pantene is bad.Well i guess u can try dove.
i use HERBAL ESSENCE FRUIT FUSION MOISTURE SPLASH, and it worked very good and my hair is good now...

try it it will help you, at least a bit

orelse dove, sunsilk or loreal products too
i think that Tresemme shampoo and conditioners are the best and you should also use there heat protection Products too
personally i like dove shampoo and conditioner. it works nicely on my dry hair.
My hair is soooo overprocessed. I LOVE milk h2o.

DOVE is the best

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